Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we were so excited to be able to get the whole family together and take Asher to his first pumpkin patch! I took him last year {he was in my tummy still} but this year was definitely more fun. We headed over to Mother Nature's Farm and Asher got to bring his mommy, daddy, and three sets of grandparents! We were a huge group of eight people for one little nugget bear. Needless to say he had tons of fun! We saw the animals, went on a hay ride, and picked pumpkins. Afterwards we went to Oreganos and had yummy pizza......Asher liked the garlic bread the best. Tomorrow night we are going to carve and paint our pumpkins! Don't worry I will be posting pics of my little pumpkin picker after he has crated his masterpiece. I hope you enjoy stepping into our little family outing!

He was loving the animals

Which pumpkin is the cutest?

My little pumpkin

This is Asher baby pumpkin!

Asher and his GREAT Grandpa

On the hay ride!

My baby is so big already :( He is growing up too fast

Happy Pumpkin Picking to you all :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So tonight my mom, sister, and I went to see the new Footloose. I had heard mixed reviews on the movie and was sceptical about whether I would love it or hate it. Well I was pleasantly surprised and LOVED it! It had almost the exact same story line so I knew what was going to happen but hey, who really wants to mess with a classic? They had updated dance moves, some old and new music mixed together, and a lot less clothing. It was actually A LOT racier then I was expecting and felt awkward knowing there were kids in the theater with me. Note to parents: when it says PG-13, that means NO KIDS UNDER 13 PLEASE! There is a reason for that rating. Anyhoo, back to the point it made me want to jump out of my chair and dance my pants off!!!! Julianne Hough was gorgeous {even though I love her better blond} and I think I should stop eating to get her body. The only bad review I have is that I wanted more dancing! If the whole movie could have been dance after dance I would have been thrilled but I doubt many people would have wanted to see that unless they had a dance background {I happen to have danced since I was 2.} I hope all of you go see it!

When you add this sexy guy

To this stunner

You get this.....onscreen magic

Showing off their sweet dance moves! Believe me they are A-MAZ-ING

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hair Tutorial: Braided Bun

Here it is ladies, the long awaited tutorial on the braided bun! It is one of my all time fav hairstyles {for me} because it is super easy, takes almost no time at all, and looks super chic once it's done. I get compliments on my hair by at least a few people EVERYTIME I go out with it styled like this. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

I always wear my hair this way on day 2 or 3 after washing my hair. Yes, I go days without washing my hair because my son thinks that holding him should be my full time job and never lets me get ready. I'm lucky if I get a shower in everyday. Sorry for those who are cringing right now.....that's this girls form of motherhood. Anyhoo, I use a boar bristle hairbrush to put my hair in a HIGH ponytail on top of my head. The boar bristle brushes help to give you a smooth look all over your hair.

Next, I braid my ponytail in a LOOSE braid. If you braid it too tight then it will make your bun look small.

Then I twist the braid around the rubber band from my ponytail

My hair is super long so mine wraps around twice. If you have short hair you might have to change this just a little.

Once all the hair has been wrapped around {mine twice} then I use bobby pins to secure my hair all around the outside.

After that I hairspray my entire head to keep fly aways down and Ta-Daaaaa! Super simple, super easy, and super fast. This takes me all of about five minutes. It's an interesting shaped bun that people always wonder "How did she get her bun to look that cute!?" If you want a messier look for your bun take your brush and lightly brush around all of your bun to pull some hairs out. Try the braided bun out yourself and I hope you all loved my first tutorial. Have a fabulous start to your weekend tomorrow loves!

PS-In the pic of Lauren Conrad you picked for the tutorial has tons of extensions in her hair. I just wanted to clarify why my bun is not as large as hers. Maybe I will later on do another tutorial about adding extensions to your bun that is a whole nother mess I'm not getting into today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Frenzy

Hey Dolls! I'm sorry I haven't posted my first tutorial yet.....I did it today and will be editing the pics tomorrow then posting them as soon as I get them all done! It will be worth the wait I promise and no, I'm not telling you which hair style I picked yet.....sorry no spoiler alert here :) Anyhoo, I am super excited for fall to start and can not wait to bust out my winter clothes ASAP. My furs, the blazers, boots galor, and you know I'll be sporting all kinds of tights and leggings! Seriously, I'm so excited I'm shaking in my fav Naughty Monkey boots. Here are some of my fall inspiration ideas and I will be pulling pieces from my ever expanding closet to put my own little twist on these to die for outfits. Have a super evening loves!

Don't you just die for this blazer?

I am loving the fringe trend right now. Shoes, shirts, bags, I would rock almost anything

Menswear perfection

The perfect casual chic mom outfit, I'm obsessed!!!

Check out these shoes, insane.......insanely AMAZING

High waisted love

This blazer is BANANAS!!!!!!!

My perfect fall outfit: black on black, leather leggings, and fur. This screams Marci

Can't wait to check in with you all tomorrow and share the fabulous tutorial that will rock your hair! 
All pics via

Monday, October 17, 2011

Choose your fav BRAID!

For my first braid tutorial I wanted to get everyones advice on what you want to see/learn. There are so many different uses for braids in hair and I want to make sure I am helping as many hair enthusiasts as I can! This tutorial will be pictures since the video on beachy curls I did can't be uploaded to my computer at the moment. Here are your choices! Leave me comments letting me know which are your favs and the one you want to be my FIRST hair tutorial! Happy Monday Lovers

Photo 1: The Braided Bun {and my personal fav}

Photo 2: Tight Side Fishtail Braid

Photo 3: The Milkmaid Braids

Photo 4: Face Framing Braid

Photo 5: I refer to this as the Waterfall Braid

Photo 6: Braid and Pony

Photo 7: Half Up Fishtail Braid

Photo 8: Loose Side Fishtail Braid {this style doesn't use a rubberband......there's a super cool trick on how to keep it braided}

Photo 9: Headband Braid

Leave your comments below on my blog. The votes on here will be the ones taken into account when I make my decision on which braid style to do the tutorial on. Thanks!

Pics Via

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You are my Sunshine

Let me just start off by saying I am writing this blog in my pjs, my hair up in a messy top knot, with a sore throat so bad I can barely speak, a horrible cough, and load of medicine to hopefully fight off this cold by tomorrow. Doesn't that sound super sexy? Haha NOT! Since today is a very bad day added onto a very bad week, I decided to bring some sunshine back into my life and share with all of you the craft I finished that I absolutely LOVE! I hope you can try some form of this in your home and have a happy and healthy {for the rest of you} Sunday.......GO STEELERS!

Ok so I started off with a plain white canvas board that I picked up from Hobby Lobby in a two pack for $7.99 and then it was 50% off! SCORE!

Then I used some fabulous fabric to cover the entire canvas and used a staple gun to attach the fabric to the wood on the backside of the board.

Isn't this fabric the cutest!?

Then I used clear packaging tape {you can also use duct tape or any other tape that is the width that you want your stripes to be} to section off where I wanted my future stripes on the board to be. In the middle I used letter stickers to add one of my fav sayings, "you are my sunshine my only sunshine."

You can see the quote better in this picture {make sure you like the font of the stickers you choose!} Next I used black spray paint and sprayed the ENITRE board till it was a solid black. Don't forget to spray paint all around the edges also.

Then you remove the tape and stickers and your amazing fabric will be standing out from the black!

This is the perfect focal point in the center of my new picture wall of my baby boy Asher and our little family! You can use any fabric, quote, or color of spray paint to make it your own.