Sunday, March 25, 2012

Outback's Shrimp on the Barbie

I am on the prescatarian diet these days. If you don't know what this diet entails, it is the beginning stages to become vegan. You pretty much just don't eat land animals and you can or cannot eat eggs and dairy depending on your preference. Let's just say I EAT it! Also, you can only have whole wheat grains but are allowed to have fish. Jd doesn't like fish so I had to trick him into eating some by spicing up some shrimp! I love Outback's Shrimp on the Barbie appetizer and found the amazing recipe. Not only am I now obsessed with eating shrimp via this recipe on a weekly basis, Jd LOVES it too! Who would have thought? If any of you like or LOVE have to try this bad boy out. And YOU'RE WELCOME in advance!

Shrimp on the Barbie


  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 dash ground allspice
  • 6 large shrimp, thawed if frozen
  • fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • minced fresh parsley


  1. Get the grill very hot with the highest heat setting possible.  If you’re using a charcoal grill, they’re ready as soon as the coals are covered in white ash.
  2. Mix together the salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, chili powder, sugar, cayenne pepper and allspice in a small bowl.
  3. If the shrimp still have their shells on, remove them, leaving a small bit at the tail.
  4. Remove the black vein running down the back of the shrimp.
  5. Run a skewer through the middle of the shrimp (not lengthwise).
  6. Continue to do this with each shrimp until you have 6 on each skewer.  The shrimp should be nestled together with each other.
  7. Lay the shrimp on a plate and squeeze fresh lemon juice onto them.
  8. Liberally brush the shrimp with melted butter.
  9. lightly sprinkle the seasoning over the shrimp, being careful to not use too much.
  10. Place the shrimp on the grill with the seasoning side down.
  11. Brush more melted butter on the shrimp as it cooks on the grill and sprinkle this side with the seasoning as well.
  12. Cook for approximately 3 minutes and flip.
  13. Cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes or until nicely browned.
  14. Remove the shrimp from the grill and serve them on or off the skewers.
  15. Sprinkle lightly with fresh parsley.

The shrimp on the skewers

Asher helping daddy grill and being messy

All done!

The chard parts are the yummiest!!!

Recipe via

Monday, March 19, 2012

Shoot Me

I am thinking it's about that time again. Yup you know what I'm talking about......NO I don't mean another baby you crazy people, I mean another family photo shoot! I'm not sure if it's the fact that I LOVE hanging pictures in every square inch of my house or if it's that I just like looking at my two boys, {ok and also myself} but every few months I get the itch to get pics taking of my adorable family. There are tons of ideas rolling around in that empty head on top of my neck but here are some of my favs. I have an amazing idea I want to do but I'm not sharing till they are done.....but let's be honest who knows when that will be because of all the craziness I have going on right now. What colors do you think we should wear in our next photo session and which are you favorite shots?

This would work perfect with my little mans chunky cheeks


A carnival shoot would be so stinking cute!

Insert my two stud muffins here


Kissy time
Making love in the club haha

Pics Via

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Vegas Vacation!

Yay the time is finally here! This weekend my sister Michelle, 4 other awesome ladies, and myself will be taking a quick little plane ride to SIN CITY!!! Why are we taking this vacation you ask? Because my little sister is all grown up and getting married in a month. WOW how time flies. This means time to get our Bachelorette party on!!!

Anyhoo, seeing as how it's only one day till we leave and I am starting my extensive packing regimen, I want to see what all you fashionistas out there in blogging land think about outfit choices. Even though we will only be there for 3 days and 2 nights, I will be over packing {like usual} and bringing MANY options. Like Rachel Zoe always says, "You can NEVER have too many options!" Sheer genius that one is. These are the styles I am loving right now and wanted to know which you like the best. Some are daytime looks and some are for club hopping. I already have a insanely gorgeous dress for the first night so I just need one for Saturday night. Ps keep in mind one day we are probably going to a pool party if the weather permits. Thanks for the help and have a fabulous weekend while I am away!!!


Love the bright colors!

Super sexy but super casual

I have lace shorts like these but in black

Love the stripes and that it's dressy for daytime

I can't put my finger on it but I literally die over this look!

Another super casual look so I'm not too sure

Night Looks:

White will make my spray tan look even better! haha

I have a leather skirt that I love and would be really cute

Love the sheer top and all black

I have this skirt so it would be more like this look

Like I said, loving me some white with a spray tan

Totally adorbs

I love the all black, sexy tights, and of course her hair and lip color!!!!

All pics Via

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Herb Garden

As I have found a new love of cooking, I also have a new love of fresh herbs. I can't even begin to describe to you the difference between dried and fresh can't even compare the two. Since it was getting super expensive to buy new herbs every time I wanted to whip up something mouth watering, I decided why not grow my own? The verdict.....PERFECTION!!! I love having them at my fingertips and the scent that fills my kitchen now is to die for! Everyday when I walk into my kitchen and smell the wonderful aromas, the cooking bug gets into my system. I can't wait to use my 5 different herbs in all my cooking and come up with new a fresh recipes to share with you all.

I bought these herb plants from Home Depot. Via instructions I soaked them in water before planting

I bought cute little pots and painted them with black chalkboard paint

I will have final pics up soon once I get my kitchen redone!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Look of the Week: Fishtail Edition

So this Look of the Week is really a Hairstyle of the Week. Fishtails are all the rage right now and I can't even tell you how many people ask me how I do my hair when I style it like this. Not only is it adorable, but it's super easy! I will get around to doing a tutorial for it one of these days but for now you just get to see some pics. I hope you all have a fabulous day!!!

It was a park day for our little fam

Posing for the camera

Ta-Daaaa! The one and only fishtail braid with no rubber band.....aren't you all curious to know how I do it?

Top: Forever 21
Undershirt: Hotties
Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: Steve Madden
Sunnies: Gucci from Nordstrom
Necklace and Bracelet: Forever 21
Watch: Michael Kors from Nordstrom
Belt: Forever 21

Are we seeing a pattern with my obsession with Forever?

My little man and his fav truck while venturing to park that day!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mamma Mia Pizzeria!

The other night we turned our kitchen into our very own pizzeria! We bought whole wheat dough from Trader Joe's and all the toppings that tickled our fancy. {Im pretty sure I have told you about our masterpieces before} I made one pizza and my hubby made another. Once we were done we shared and voted on who's was the Jd's won :( Mine was really good but what can I say, we are pesto family. Mine had dough, then mozzarella cheese, then grilled chicken, asparagus, and finally some fabulously delish white truffle oil. {My mouth has already started watering} Jd's pizza was dough, then pesto sauce from Costco, then mozzarella cheese, then grilled chicken. The taste of pesto just can't be beat in my book and I reluctantly crowned Jd the pizzeria king. It is so easy and fun to come up with your own creations and all you need a simple stop to Trader Joe's or any store that carries dough! What toppings do you think we should try next time?

Jd's pizza about to go into the oven

Mine {the healthier pizza}

The final product of the winning pizza....DUH WINNING!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hello Again

I know I know, it's been like FOREVER since I posted. I have been crazy busy with planning my sister's bridal shower, getting ready for Vegas next weekend for her bachelorette party, working, taking care of my little man, and redoing my kitchen! {don't worry, pics will be up as soon as I am done} Geez it makes me tired just saying it all.

Anyhoo, I am posting today about someone who is near and dear to my first dog Holly. She passed away a few weeks ago and I just wanted to remember her and share our last night with her. She started having seizures and losing her sight so my mom took her to the vet and he said she needed to be put down. We all had a family dinner Sunday night and spent time with her before my mom took her back to the vet Monday morning so she could fall asleep and go to heaven. Asher played with her and gave lots of kisses to his favorite doggie and of course I cried. I had never lost a pet before and didn't think it would be so hard. She was 11.5 years old and I can still remember the day my mom surprised me at school with her as an adorable little fluff ball with a red ribbon tied around her neck. She was perfect. Even though we had some hard times together growing up {aka her chewing up 3 of my cell phones in highschool and a retainer or two} I loved every minute of her. She was so fun and lovable and helped me overcome my fear of dogs with her kisses and snuggle time. She was my first baby and she will always have a special place in my heart. I know she is in heaven playing fetch with other puppies and waiting for our family to join her. I love you Holly Hill and will never love a puppy more then you!

Asher giving Holly tons of love!

Being a puppy like Holly girl

My girl

Rest in peace Holly, I will always miss you