Monday, June 27, 2011

Look of the Week

I know I know, this post is 3 days late but cut me a little slack.....I was in Cabo for a week and came home to mountains of laundry, a 5 month old that needed to get back on schedule, and having to fit 2 weeks worth of clients into 2 days! I'm tired but finally caught back up. Anywho, back to the "Look of the Week." This week I was going for subtly sexy! This outfit is perfect for just about any occasion for flying to a destination spot, shopping at the mall, having drinks with the girls, or on a hot date! I hope you enjoy and try this look out as soon as possible!!!

Start with a completely black outfit! AKA my FAV color

Add some color with a chic scarf....I own about 100 and every time I bring a new one home my husband tells me, "I have never met anyone who owns SOOOO many scarves!"

Of course, add an oversized purse!

Throw on a pair of insanely high and sexy red stilettos

Add an adorbs piece of statement jewelry! (I love bracelets) 

What goes better with a smokin hot look?


Top this fabulous look off with some fabulously stylish hair!

Plus, I decided this week to add a "Quote of the Week!"

Hahahaha I seriously busted up laughing when I read this! 

Well, I hope you love the "Look of the Week" and try to always find ways to be stylish......Stay FABULOUS! 

Pics Via

Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby, Babes, Bebe

Everywhere I look there are babies, babies, and more babies! Almost everyone I know has at least one bambino or even more. Now, add to the list the rising number of pregos running, waddling around me and let me just say, I am NOT touching anyones water but my own!!! Dont get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little snuggle man but adding anymore to this broad is terrifying at this moment. 2 bottles to make every 2 1/2-3 hours, 2 sets of dirty diapers all day and night long, and 2 chunkers giving each of my arms an intense workout at all hours.......not my idea of a fun time. Once Asher is walking around on his own, out of diapers, and feeding himself then I might start thinking about another. Until then, I can love all over my friends little bundles of joy! Here are some of my fav baby things......enjoy and I wish you a great start to a happy weekend

Um hi, I want these milk and cookies they look so delish!!!

I am obsessed with these hanging lanterns over the crib

I know Halloween isnt for while but I am seriously considering this for Asher!

If I ever have a little girl, this will be exactly what she will turn out like :)



Little boys dream land!

I will be making this snack for A all the time when he can eat it

Mommy + Baby + Paris = My Dream!


This is so fun for a bike ride with multi kids

Enough said

I am obsessed with Mustaches right now

They grow up WAY too fast

In Asher's next room

This baby will someday be a Rockstar!

All pics via 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Look of the Week

I know this Saturdays look of the week is pretty late tonight, but I just got home from Cabo and had to know, the only bad part of vacation. So, now that the laundry is going and the suitcases are empty, Im back to the blogging word. Im loving dresses with blazers right now. They are so easy to throw on and actually look like you took the time to put an amazing outfit together, even if it was really only a 5 second decision. My new love is also anything gold! I used to hate when my mom would wear gold jewelry growing up and would tell her, "Gold is for old people." Let me say, "Im sorry mom!" You knew best about this one and gold pieces are now my go to accessories! Here is my take on an easy peasy evening outfit with pops of color. Happy weekending and try throwing together your own blazer inspired combo......Laughs and Love

Step 1: Start with an Adorbs stripped dress

Step 2: Add a FABULOUS pink blazer!

Step 3: Never be scared to mix colors

Step 4: Winners wear gold

This ring ROCKS

Step 5: Top it all off with an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G hairdo!!!

The finished project = PERFECTION

Check out my Pinterest boards for where to find these pics and others!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cabo Wabo!

As I mentioned here, my family and I have a yearly ritual…..the second to the third Saturday in June every year we go to Cabo. My parents have a time-share there and it is AMAZING! We get the penthouse that overlooks the whole resort and right out to the ocean. This year my amazing hubby can’t go with us because he has to stay home and work hard, I mean, who else is going to pay for Asher and I to go on this trip! Just kidding, but seriously, we love him for all he does and his hard work that provides for us. Thankfully, JD has been able to go the last two years and those were the best two EVER! Last year I was pregnant so I wasn’t able to drink and party but what I got out of that was my amazing little boy. I wouldn’t trade him for anything and he was totally worth it. Now this year, that miracle gets to come with us on our trip. It will be his first time on a plane, away from his daddy for a whole week, and his first time getting to put his toes in the sand and play in the ocean! I am bringing my video camera to capture the whole thing!!!! I am so excited to add Asher to our tradition and share every moment with my little man. Here are some pics from our past trips and I will soon have many from this year. Enjoy!

This is the first year JD came!

JD doing a chugging competition at Mango Deck!

My dad helping out in the lap dance competition

I won the WHOLE black jack tournament at out resort!

This is how we roll. Luggage on the left, food on the right

Best friends

The view from our penthouse!

Shot time!

The second year JD came....and I was pregnant!

Like I said best friends

We watch my Lakers take it all

Yep, I couldn't have alcohol or diet