Sunday, September 25, 2011

Look At ME!

Ok let's not sugar coat it, women love to look at themselves. I know I am not the only one so I'm going to be straight forward about it. I mean how else am I going to make sure my hair is perfectly coiffed, my lipstick isn't smudged, and my skirt isn't stuck in my underwear? Thank goodness the latter has not happened to me and I would really like to keep it that way. So being the careful {vein} person that I suppose I am, I love having mirrors around me all the time. If I could make my house look like the hair salon I work in I would do it in a red hot minute! Tons of mirrors in every shape, size, and color sounds like heaven to me. After seeing these photos I am definitely contemplating that I should dedicate an entire wall in my house to mirrors.......what do you think?

Seriously? Where the hell can I buy this and how fast can it be brought to my house?

I know this isn't a wall but aren't these the coolest stairs you have ever seen? It makes me want to dance all over them!

You know about my obsession with stripes.....enough said

Oh how they read my mind

Love, love, and more love

So eclectic and chic

Happy Sunday everyone and let me know which ones are your favs!
Pics via