Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outfit Today!

Good morning lovelies! I am starting my new "Outfit Today" segment. I will be documenting my daily fashion journey to share with all of you {ok not everyday, but I will be good about it.....promise}. I will also show you ways to use the same clothes in different outfits to get the most out of what's in your closet! So are you ready to get started? I we go!

Date: September 21, 2011
Event: I was going to a dinner with my family for my soon to be brother-in-law's birthday!

My "Outfit Today" consisted of two main clothing pieces and quite a few accessories.

Jeans: Forever21
Shoes: Suede wedges from you guessed it, Forever21
Clutch: Nine West
Bangles: Forever21
Watch: Dolce & Gabbana from Nordstrom
Belt: Forever21
Earrings: Forever21


  1. Love! I need you to go shopping with me once I lose my baby weight! I don't even know what style is. hahaha

  2. I'm the luckiest man on the planet. You are beautiful baby!
