Friday, October 14, 2011

Pizzeria Corlis

Yesterday my little man woke up with a runny nose and was a sad little boy :( It is the first time he has EVER been sick and it broke my heart. I know that it is only a cold but anytime Asher is hurting, Mommy is hurting. We decided to just stay in, hang out, and have a family night together to help put a smile on Mr. Snuggles face. Daddy stopped by Trader Joe's on the way home and we made homemade pizza! It was so yummy and had everything we wanted {what I would eat since Im so picky} on it. Let me tell you after giving Asher itsy bitsy pieces of chicken he was hooked and was grinning from ear to ear. Mission accomplished! Here is how to create your very own personalized pizza in the comfort of your own home.....enjoy loves and sorry for the THIRD food post in a row. I finished my first tutorial on doing twisty beach wave curls but our computer is refusing to let me upload it. Apple Store here we come. As soon as we fix it I will post the video ASAP!

Chicken and Asparagus Pizza

Skinless boneless chicken breast
Wheat pizza dough (prepackaged)
Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
White truffle olive oil
Flour to mold dough
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat you oven to whatever it says on the pizza dough packaging. Ours said we needed to let the dough breathe for 20 minutes so we took it out and put flour on the counter under it so the dough would not stick. Then we grilled two chicken breasts on the grill. Once that was done and the dough had breathed, we put the dough on a pizza cooking sheet and molded it to fit the size of the sheet. Next we topped it with mozzarella cheese and the grilled chicken. We put the pizza in the oven and let it bake for about 10 minutes {our oven only works on broil right now so it takes longer then other ovens-when you make it follow the time based on your dough packaging.} We took the pizza out and then added the asparagus. If we had put it on top from the beginning the asparagus would have been overcooked. We put the pizza back in the oven and cooked for about 8 more minutes. Once the pizza was done and was sitting out to cool, we drizzled white truffle olive oil on top. Add salt and pepper if needed and that's it!

The pizza tasted amazing and the truffle oil was seriously the best part. We found this perfect addition to our pantry at Fresh and Easy. It is also perfect to top french fries with Parmesan cheese....yummy! Also, feel free to add any topping or sauce that you want. I don't eat tomatoes so that's why there is no pizza sauce on ours. I hope you try out new and different toppings to make your pizzas your own and have a fabulous start to your weekend!!!

The asparagus was so tasty and was cooked perfectly!

We love the cheese around the edges to be nice and crispy

Asher after he ate his chicken....he couldn't get enough of it

My beautiful baby boy loving on mommy

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