Saturday, November 26, 2011

Give Thanks

I have to say we had a fabulous Thanksgiving! We had our amazing family come into town and let me tell you it was a full house. There were 15 adults and 2 adorable little boys at the table to celebrate and give thanks for all our blessings and love for each other. The food was amazing and Asher had an absolute blast at his first Thanksgiving! Family, Fun, and Food.....what could be better?

What I am most thankful for:

My amazing little family of 3 that couldn't be any cuter
Our family and friends who are always there for us
Black Friday shopping {aka sales}....duh
Any reason to bust out a fur vest
The fact that Christmas is right around the corner
A healthy family
My ever growing long hair {I'm sorry but it's my security blanket}
A job I freaking LOVE
The hot tub at my parents house and a bottle of wine
Living right next door to California
And most of all...I'm thankful that God blessed me with the gift of motherhood and the chance to experience all it's many wonders. Asher is the light of my life and the greatest thing I have ever done

Hubby, sister, and little man Asher {he loves to make silly faces at me while trying to take his pic}

Sis sitting down to eat with our cousin Kelly and her boyfriend Kyle

Cousin Nicole and her little nugget Caden!

My nugget getting ready to eat his first Thanksgiving feast

The WHOLE table

The men doing work on the food {Jd was VERY excited to eat}

Mom and my cousin Nick's cute wifey Nicole {yes there are two Nicole Hill's in our family}

Yummy turkey, roll, and mashed taters

This is all I had for Thanksgiving dinner minus the roll {that was for Asher.} Yes I still stuck to my healthy eating even though it was a holiday. Now that's dedication! 

Daddy and Asher

Momma and her snuggle bear. I decided my outfit for Thanksgiving needed to consist of my two favorite things: fur and the color black!

Playing bags/corn hole 

Michelle not paying attention

He's always trying to get grandpa's hat

Yay I got it!

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