Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Blog

Ok, so what are we thinking about the new blog layout? I decided I wanted something cleaner that would enhance my photos since Santa brought me a new lens for my camera a little early and will be taking fabulous pictures all the time now! Since having my little man I have realized how cluttered my house {and life} is and I think my New Years resolution will be to simplify. The only place I am not will to simply is my closet. No way, no how, not going to happen! JD if you are reading closet will still be as overwhelming and overfilled as usual in 2012. Another New Years resolution is to take photos of my snuggle bear all the time! Wouldn't it be fabulous if I had one pic of him everyday for an entire year so that I could look back and watch him grow before my eyes? Sounds like a dream come true to this momma!

Anyhoo, back to my new blog. Let me know what you guys think of the new style or any other ideas you think would be fierce! Here is a pic of some of my new style inspiration and how I want to decorate our next house. Goodnight loves!

Very clean lines, very white, and very chic

Pic via

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