Friday, January 13, 2012

The Day That Changed My Life

Exactly one year ago today my life changed forever. It was the absolute best day of my life and I realized that I never knew what true love was before. It was the day my son was born. On January 13, 2011 the Lord brought Asher James Corlis into my life. He was perfect from the second he was born and the love I felt at that very moment has only gotten stronger everyday since. Everyday I think, "there is no possible way I could ever love him more" but it somehow seems to happen. I never knew that my heart could ever love something that way. I feel so blessed and so grateful and I don't know how there is any way that I deserve him but I am so glad that God thought I did.

Today my little man turns 1. I can't believe I am actually saying that I have a one year old! It's insane how time flies and I still remember how little my baby boy was the first time I held him in my arms. Even though I had gone through the worst pain of my entire life and thought I would die before he made it out, the second he was in my arms, everything was gone. I couldn't feel any pain, I didn't hear anyone else's voice, and all I saw was him. We were in our own little world and all I felt was pure love. There is no way to describe it, you just have to feel it. On that day, my world was turned upside down and I couldn't be happier! This has been the best year of my life and I know the more we grow as a family, the better each year will get. Thank you to everyone who has been there with us to share this past year and who are part of Asher's life. And to my #1 boy....I love you more then words can say! Happy Birthday my love, you are my one and only!

The best moment of my life! {please excuse my grossness, I had the flu}

His first time with the rest of the Hill Family

Grandma and Grandpa with Asher right after he was born

Our perfect family!

Sleeping burrito

Proud papa

Driving home from the hospital

The most perfect face in the whole wide world!

I love this boy so freaking much

He is amazing

My baby boy on his one week birthday

Pure love!

One week down, a lifetime to go!

I am so sad that I leaving my little nugget behind in AZ on his birthday but I had no control over the weekend of the trip. JD's work planned it and if it wasn't completely free there is no way we would be going. We are having breakfast with my family before we leave to celebrate and we threw his party last weekend to make sure momma would feel a tiny bit better. I just want to warn everyone in Vegas, if you see a blonde chick bawling her eyes out and screaming "ASHER" over and over again, that's this girl right here! Well I guess I should get in as much cuddle time as possible, bye!

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