Monday, April 30, 2012

The "Marci Diet"

So if you guys have been following me you know that awhile back I went vegan for 1 month. I LOVED it, but it was so hard and you really can't eat out anywhere except for like a handful of restaurants! Yeah, that didn't really jive with my lifestyle. {I am an extreme eater outer hehe} Well, I now found this awesome new diet/lifestyle that will work a little bit better for me and my tummy. It's called the Pescetarian Diet. It is almost the exact same as vegetarian except you can eat fish! Yay some kind of meat!!! I seriously could never live without seared ahi tuna again. I am changing it up a little though. I am trying to lose weight not feel bad for a cow so every once in awhile I will be eating white meat as long as it's in a healthy dish. Also, the diet says that you can eat dairy but most of it is high in calories and fat so that's definitely out for me. It allows eggs as well but I only eat egg whites which are super healthy and high in protein so another plus! I am really excited with the changes that I have seen in my body and energy since starting my new lifestyle change. I am working out which has helped tighten my body. I gave up caffeine which I thought would kill me but actually showed me that your body doesn't actually need it! Also, my healthy eating has given me tons of energy and I never feel that horrible stuffed and bloated feeling. When eating good, you become full but always feel great. And bonus.......the better you eat, the flatter your tummy gets! A-MAZ-ING!!! Here is a recipe that is "Marci Diet" friendly and super duper delicious. I mentioned it the other day HERE, and it was a huge hit. Have a healthy start to your week everyone and happy Monday!

Grilled Pineapple:

All you need is a grill, pineapple, and wooden skewers!


Before you start, you need to soak the wooden skewers in water for 20-30 minutes. {This helps them not catch on fire while on the grill} You need to slice a ripe pineapple so that the pieces are long and not too thick. When I did it, there were quite a few that where in triangles which is totally fine. Next, slide the pineapple onto the skewers like the picture above. Make sure your grill is extremely hot before you place them on because you don't want to leave them on too long, just enough to char the outside a little. I can't give you an exact time but just watch them while on the grill and turn them once each side starts to char. That's it, seriously so simple and totally delish! Did I mention how healthy it is? Each skewer only has about 40 calories! You can't beat that.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Style Icon

Have any of you guys seen Most Eligible Dallas? Well I have and let me tell you, I'm OBSESSED! It's a reality show about this group of friends who are rich, sexy, and totally fabulous. What woman wouldn't want to watch it? So anyhoo, I am in LOVE with Ms. Courtney Kerr from the show. She has the most amazing fashion sense and ALWAYS, let me repeat ALWAYS has amazing hair! In my book, you can't even be considered fashionable if your hair doesn't look great. Here are some of her totally adorbs outfits {and hair styles} that will make you want to go shopping ASAP!!!

Love her long ombre hair!

Have I ever mentioned my obsession with stripes?

Braid + one shoulder black dress = TRUE LOVE

Love both girls outfits!!!

Mixing brights A+

I always love a leopard print but when you pair it with sparkly shorts, it takes the look to a whole new level

I will be trying out this hairstyle this weekend for sure!

She can pull off dark hair too.....bitch

Pics Via

Friday, April 27, 2012

Obsessing Over: Summer Style

Here is a quick glimpse into what I'm obsessing over right now. I am loving, wanting, and needing all of this. I hope you all have a fabulous day and I will be posting pics of my sister bridal shower that I threw very soon!!!

Mixing brights, you will need sunglasses when you see me this summer

Nicole Richie and her always fabulous luscious locks

The idea that soon I will be able to have lemonade stands with my little man

My next DIY project that will look absolutely amazing on my front door

The day that I can say this. By now everyone should know how obsessed I am with getting into shape

This STUNNING Chloe swimsuit that makes me drool

Seriously DYING for these coral lace Toms! I need them for summer so bad

Men who take this seriously. Talk is cheap and you never know what day could be your last so show those you love how much you care every single day!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Snack Attack!

If you read my last post, you know that I'm on a diet/healthy eating lifestyle change. I am in a fabulous bootcamp where I can bring my little man with me and have also been working out on my own. When I am eating healthy and exercising regularly, I feel like a totally different person. I have tons of energy, don't need caffeine, and never feel guilty at the end of the day. I love it and want to keep this up for the rest of my life, not only for myself, but for my son as well. Obesity in children is a HUGE deal these days and I don't want to set Asher up for failure later in life because I couldn't start him out with good eating habits.

In our house snacking is the hardest battle. My little nugget LOVES to eat and he would snack all day long if he could. I am trying to make these hot summer months to come fun and healthy at the same time. We will be splashing and playing in the water almost everyday and snacking on flavorful yummy stuff that makes Asher and mommy happy. Baby A has lately decided to become a vegetarian and he normally only wants to eat fruits and veggies which is a plus in my book. I do however make him eat chicken, fish, or turkey whenever I can {God willing it doesn't turn into a food throwing battle} So here are some summer treats that are sure to make your mouth water and your tummy smile! Happy snacking

Yummy frozen watermelon popsicle sticks!

Another fun way to eat watermelon, kids can pick out any shape they want!

Spicy stir-fry snap peas

Grilled pineapple, yes please

Spicy hummus with your favorite veggies

Frozen grape kabobs. Im pretty sure these will be Asher's new fav!

Chicken salad made with avocado instead of mayo.....amazing idea

Pineapple, banana, and coconut milk smoothie popsicles

Roasted Edemame

Fruit Salad

Zucchini Chips, I want to make these ASAP!!!

I had one of these the other day for a hearty snack when I skipped breakfast and it filled me up for only about 150 calories. It was so yummy and healthy!!!

Pics Via

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bikini Season

So as of this week in AZ it's officially summer! Seriously, it's still April and it's in the 100's? AZ obviously didn't get my memo that I am NOT, let me repeat, NOT bikini ready. I think of all the pool parties and swim play dates I will have soon and it really scares me. For anyone who has had a baby, they know that things are much harder once you have a child and your body doesn't tighten up as easily as it used to. I am now working twice as hard to get the body I used to have eating Taco Bell everyday. So not fair :( Now I'm lucky if I eat carbs!
Now with all that being said, I am back from California from my sister's beautiful wedding and am ready to get my eating back on track! Vacations are seriously the death of a good diet. I must say though, except for like twice the whole week I ate pretty damn good. Anyhoo, today I am going to the grocery store and have set up my weekly meal plan. As always I get a bunch of my healthy recipes from Pinterest but I have now fallen in love with this amazing app on my IPhone called Spark Recipes. It's all HEALTHY and easy recipes......why didn't anyone think of this sooner!!!! I can't wait to try some goodies out. Here you go and remember "nothing tastes as good as skinny looks!" Thanks Ms. Kate Moss for your amazing inspiration.

Prosciutto wrapped asparagus, so yummy

Lemon and Oregano Chicken

Cobb Salad....I could never in a million years eat one this big!

Asparagus and Zucchini Whole Wheat Pizza

Chinese Chicken Salad

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia. It's healthier then you think

Oriental chicken salad.....I might do it with shrimp or tuna though

All pics via

Monday, April 2, 2012

Backyard Renovation!

I am completely over my backyard right now. It is still the exact same way that it was when we bought the house two years and that means BORING! I want to completely gut it and start from scratch. Thankfully my grandparents are PROS at gardening and all things outdoors when it comes to a house. They do all their own yards in all the houses they have owned. Here are some of my inspiration pics that I'm obsessing over. I want lots and lots of greenery and definitely a fire pit!

Obsessed with all the hydrangeas

Such a cozy fire pit

I want sit here sipping champagne :)

I must have stone tiles with grass in between them like this in my backyard for sure!

Great use of a small space

A grand fireplace

Most stone and grass work

I love that this looks like a room from inside a home but outside!!!

Eclectic feel

Wish I could put french doors in my house

MUST paint our side gate a bright fun color

Large seating area for fun entertaining and hanging out with friends

Summer fun and lots of green

Which ones are you favs? I don't have a ton of space but enough to do some cute stuff with it!

All pics via