Friday, March 29, 2013

I'm Back!

Have you all missed me? Sorry for being MIA but we had some huge things going on in the Corlis Fam! Let's see if I can keep the recap to minimum.

#1: Do you love my new blog layout? It was designed by the always fabulous Ashley over at Oh Wells Instead Of What Ifs! She is insanely talented and such a sweet heart. Go check her out, she does custom work for the most stylish sites!

#2: We sold our house! We decided to put our house on the market just to see what the response would be and if we would even get any offers.....the verdict? We got 3 offers in less then 24 hours. We kept it on the market one more day and received another 2 offers. Even though we weren't ready to move we accepted a cash offer and closed in 22 days! Ahh I know, it was a total mad house but we successfully packed up our entire life.

#3: Where do we live now? We are moving to our new house in Morrison Ranch in June but since our house sold so fast we are crashing at my parents. Thank goodness they have a big house and we were able to take over their entire upstairs. Yes it's hard moving back home with a hubby and toddler running like a wild man all day but we are so grateful to have a roof over our heads. Plus, a major bonus is Asher can't get enough of "Papa!"

#4: We are excited and crazy busy getting ready for our trip to Hawaii in less then two weeks! Yay I can't wait to be soaking up the sun and having a cocktail while watching the sun set with my love. Even though I will be so sad to leave my angel at home, I know he will be in good hands with grandma and grandpa.

#5: I have a (almost) new obsession and dream in life. I have always wanted to open my own boutique and provide fabulous clothes to woman but recently I have felt more of a drive to think of the future. I would love to be able to open one in the next 5 years and have started planning. What do you all think? Would you shop my clothing picks at my new boutique?


  1. Heck yes you should open up your own boutique!!! You can style me any time!!

  2. Love the new layout! I think opening a boutique would be perfect for you! You can count on me to shop there! ;)
