Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 2 Recipe

Today I changed our planned dinner a little bit because I just cant get over how yummy my green sandwich was that I made a the cabin. I told you about it here and I have not stopped thinking about it since. Jd wasn't the biggest fan the first time he tried it so this round I knew I needed to add an extra little something to peak his interest. Today I added some turkey bacon for my meat loving husband. The result? A HUGE success! He loved and even told me that since eating healthy could taste this good two days in a row he was going to follow my lead and join the Skinny Bitch revolution....well our version at least. Here is the yummy sandwich straight from our table to yours....enjoy lovers!!!

Jd's Turkey Bacon Sandwich: {This one's named after you baby!}

Serves 2 people


8 pieces of turkey bacon
1 avocado
About 1 cup of spinach
2 leafs of lettuce
About 2 tablespoons of pesto sauce
4 slices of whole wheat french bread {I thinks that what type it was}


Toast bread in a toaster oven. While the bread is toasting cook the turkey bacon in a skillet/pan on the stove until crispy. When both are done, layer one piece of bread with one leaf of lettuce, then four pieces of turkey bacon, then half of an avocado, then about a 1/2 cup of spinach, then add about a tablespoon of pesto sauce to another piece of bread {or enough to cover the top slice of bread.} Repeat to make the second sandwich and that's it! A super simple, and super yummy dinner for two. Happy Tuesday!

Final product

The fabulous sandwich and my new reading material! I finally got this book and LOVE it. Full of tons of fashion knowledge and all kinds of tips from packing your suitcase to keeping your jeans blue. Go grab a copy and indulge in a "fashion" guilty pleasure.

Just incase you were wondering this is the original sandwich I was going to try out. A turkey bacon, avocado, and apple panini.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bike Rides and Din-Din

We finally got a seat for Jd's beach cruiser that Asher can sit in! Yay time for family bike rides. This was our second time trying it out and of course Asher was obsessed. This kid really does have a need for speed. But don't worry...he always wears his helmet. While we cruise through our neighborhood just relaxing, Asher likes to put his arms out like he is flying and lets the wind just blow over his body. I think these will need to become a nightly occurrence in the Corlis household!

Getting ready for the bike ride

My cute boys

Helmet's on and ready to go!

I am so excited to find a new recipe that Jd, Asher, and I all LOVE! It was an huge hit. It tasted so fresh and was super easy to make. In my last post I showed you the list of my meals I am making this week and tonight I made Smoked Mozzarella, spinach, and penne pasta. I found the recipe here but decided to tweak it a little bit.....I mean I always like to make things my own. So here im MY version of the recipe and I hope you all try it out yourselves because it is seriously delish!

Smoked Mozzarella, Spinach, and Penne Pasta

*Serves 6-8
Parmesan Dressing:
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup chopped fresh Basil
1/2 cup low-fat Greek plain yogurt
1/4 cup white wine {I used Pinot Grigio}
3 cloves garlic, finely minced
3 Shacks of red pepper flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
12 ounces whole wheat penne pasta {I had to use a little spiral pasta because I ran out of penne}
3 cups packed baby spinach
4-6 ounces smoked mozzarella cheese, diced
For the dressing, combine the Parmesan cheese, basil, yogurt, wine, garlic, red pepper flakes and salt and pepper in a blender and process until the dressing is smooth. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. The dressing can be made up to two days ahead of time.
To prepare the salad, cook the pasta in a large pot of salted water until just tender, al dente. Drain the pasta into a colander and run cold water over it and drain well. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked pasta, spinach, and smoked mozzarella. At this point, the salad and dressing can be refrigerated for a couple of hours separately before serving.
Toss the salad with the dressing right before serving.

Love eating green

Seriously one of the yummiest pastas ever

Even Asher was loving it!

I can not stress enough that I am a huge fan of using FRESH herbs in your food when cooking. It makes a huge difference in the taste of your food and I will never go back to using dried or canned ones. The aroma of basil as I chop them in the kitchen spreads through the entire house and quickly heightens my husbands hunger every time I cook. I swear that's the reason this dressing was to die for! I am also going to be starting my own herb garden in my kitchen so that I will always have these fresh babies at my fingertips. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Menu for the Week

Tomorrow is grocery store {Trader Joes} day. I have planned our meals for the week and will go buy all the ingredients I need to last us till next Monday. As I told you all here, I am on the Skinny Bitch fad and I am loving it. I let myself cheat by having a slice of my moms cheesecake on Thanksgiving.....I mean come on I am only human. Anyhoo, I am back on track this week and have an awesome meal plan for the week to keep me completely satisfied! Here is my list of dinners for week while eating clean, they are totally delish and I can seriously not wait to nosh on these babies {and hopefully have some leftovers for lunches.} Enjoy and PS it's almost December.....YAY!!!

Whole wheat grilled veggie pizza

Garlic potato rounds with pesto and avocado

Smoked mozzarella, spinach, and penne salad

Veggie Gyros

Spinach, pea, pesto over linguini 

Turkey bacon, avocado, and apple panini {yes I know it does have turkey bacon but I figure one night with just a little meat is ok if I am really good all week right?}

Pic Via

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Give Thanks

I have to say we had a fabulous Thanksgiving! We had our amazing family come into town and let me tell you it was a full house. There were 15 adults and 2 adorable little boys at the table to celebrate and give thanks for all our blessings and love for each other. The food was amazing and Asher had an absolute blast at his first Thanksgiving! Family, Fun, and Food.....what could be better?

What I am most thankful for:

My amazing little family of 3 that couldn't be any cuter
Our family and friends who are always there for us
Black Friday shopping {aka sales}....duh
Any reason to bust out a fur vest
The fact that Christmas is right around the corner
A healthy family
My ever growing long hair {I'm sorry but it's my security blanket}
A job I freaking LOVE
The hot tub at my parents house and a bottle of wine
Living right next door to California
And most of all...I'm thankful that God blessed me with the gift of motherhood and the chance to experience all it's many wonders. Asher is the light of my life and the greatest thing I have ever done

Hubby, sister, and little man Asher {he loves to make silly faces at me while trying to take his pic}

Sis sitting down to eat with our cousin Kelly and her boyfriend Kyle

Cousin Nicole and her little nugget Caden!

My nugget getting ready to eat his first Thanksgiving feast

The WHOLE table

The men doing work on the food {Jd was VERY excited to eat}

Mom and my cousin Nick's cute wifey Nicole {yes there are two Nicole Hill's in our family}

Yummy turkey, roll, and mashed taters

This is all I had for Thanksgiving dinner minus the roll {that was for Asher.} Yes I still stuck to my healthy eating even though it was a holiday. Now that's dedication! 

Daddy and Asher

Momma and her snuggle bear. I decided my outfit for Thanksgiving needed to consist of my two favorite things: fur and the color black!

Playing bags/corn hole 

Michelle not paying attention

He's always trying to get grandpa's hat

Yay I got it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Family Time

My favorite part of the day for the past 10 1/2 months has always been right when Jd get home from work. Asher gets so excited to see his daddy and we get to all three play together for the first time of the day. Jd gives us kisses, goes upstairs to change, and when he comes back down it's time to party! Sometimes we play with trucks, others it's wrestling time for the boys, and lots and lots of days we have dance parties. Today we had a little bit of all of them.....plus fun times playing with Asher's beloved giant stuffed baseball. Today we tried a new game: let's walk back and fourth to mommy and daddy over and over again. My baby boy is getting big and can almost walk on his own. We practice all the time and he just about has his balance down. When he gets excited he tries to run and of course falls......we obviously need to work on pacing ourselves :) Here are some pics of our family time from today......it will probably be awhile before it's just us three again {lots of family coming into town for Thanksgiving and all.} Happy early Thanksgiving everyone since I probably won't be posting tomorrow!

Time for kisses!

My nugget is finally getting some hair!

Loading up the sack of potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner

This is seriously how he always walks, with his arms up in air in fists. He looks like he's thinking, "I'm super baby!!!"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Wear

So I have spent today contemplating what I am going to wear for Thanksgiving. I know it has to be something fabulous....duh. I'm just not sure which way to go: dressy or comfy and casual. We have tons of family come into town and stay with my parents every year for Thanksgiving so of course I have to be looking my best! I found some pics that I am loving and will draw inspiration from them to make my own one of a kind statement look. Which one do you think I should choose?

Comfy AND dressy :)

Who doesn't love a maxi, orange cardigan, and scarf?

Now this is fabulous! Leopard and red = HELL YES

Pattern contrast

More of my leopard lover


Dressy and adorable

Im leaning towards this one! A cute mini skirt, scarf, and comfy knit!

What looks are you guys loving for Thanksgiving?

Pics Via

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Lovingness

Here are some pics of the past year of my life. It has been exciting, scary, memorable, amazing, crazy, and everything I could have ever asked for! We welcomed our little man Asher and have never looked back. He is perfect and the light of my life. I can't believe how much he grows and changes everyday. Here are the good, the bad, and the adorable moments I call life!!!

My baby shower!

8 1/2 months prego

Large and in charge

Christmas Eve at my grandparents

Talk about swollen

The greatest day of my life

He literally came out smiling and happy

Our little Easter bunny

Matching while watching daddy and grandpa play horseshoes

Family dinner

Playing with great grandpa

Fourth of July at the cabin!

Rocking his leggings

Present time :)

Before the Cardinals game!

Smooches for Aunt Michelle

My kid is cooler then your kid!

Asher's first time in the nursery at church

Fun during the holidays with grandma and grandpa

My little water babe!