Monday, January 16, 2012

Diet Bootcamp

Ok, so I forgot to bring the camera to Vegas. I don't know how it happened but it did. As soon as I realized it I thought to myself, "Marci, why are you so slow? How do you forget your camera when going to Vegas? As soon as you find your brain please put it back in your head again, thanks." I will now have to rely on everyone else that was there to send me pictures. I can't promise any to come for sure, but I will try! Sorry everyone!

Anyhoo, Vegas made me realize something this weekend.....I need to lose weight ASAP! There are girls everywhere there walking around half naked in a size 00 dress. I look like a huge elephant next to them! Seeing as how I am going to be back in Vegas in only TWO MONTHS for my sister's bachelorette party, my diet plan is going on the fast track. I told JD our date nights will now consist of the gym. Yup, I will be getting gross and sweaty for my husband as his treat from now on! Haha poor guy. Oh well at least after I drop 15 pounds he will have a smokin' hot wife, that's worth it right? So on top of my daily workouts {fingers crossed} I will be adjusting my diet plan. A few days ago I told you what I had planned here but that's still two many calories for the amount of weight that I need to lose by two months. Here is my new diet plan, please don't think I'm insane but I am completely done with these last pounds! My day will consist of breakfast, lunch, and dinner that are all 200 calories or under, also two snacks in between my meals that are 100 calories each. My total calorie intake will be 800 calories or less and I am going to try to drink only water and green tea with one night a week of some wine. I will only get the wine if I have followed my diet the whole week. Let's do this!!!!


Breakfast-egg white omelet with spinach and asparagus
Snack-watermelon and raspberries
Lunch-miso soup and salad
Snack-veggies and hummus
Dinner-grilled shrimp with fresh squeezed OJ lettuce wraps


Breakfast-mixed fruit
Snack-avocado with a few unsalted corn chips
Lunch-Cobb salad
Dinner-grilled chicken with pineapple


Breakfast-turkey bacon
Snack-raspberries and greek yogurt
Lunch-veggie and hummus lettuce wraps
Dinner-Greek pizza {100 cal whole wheat pita with reduced fat cheese, spinach, and asparagus}


Breakfast-egg whites
Snack-mixed fruit
Lunch-Avocado, turkey, hummus, wrap with 90 calorie whole wheat tortilla
Dinner-grilled steak and edemame 


Breakfast-turkey bacon
Snack-mixed fruit
Lunch-chicken, cashew, spinach, and pineapple salad {no dressing}
Snack-half an apple and a little swiss cheese
Dinner-taco salad lettuce wraps {kidney beans, shredded turkey, avocado, and a little reduced fat cheese}


Breakfast-mixed fruit
Lunch-grilled chicken with avocado
Dinner- DATE NIGHT! Brown rice vegetable sushi or miso soup {whichever sounds better at the time} and a glass of wine!


Breakfast-egg white omelet with spinach and aspargus
Snack-greek yogurt and fruit
Lunch-turkey, apple, almond, and spinach salad {no dressing}
Snack-avocado and a few unsalted corn chips
Dinner-grilled shrimp and asparagus with a little pesto sauce