Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nice List

I was a really really good girl this year and got almost everything on my wish list and even some stuff that I didn't ask for! My hubby outdid himself this year and went above and beyond. I asked for pretty much all clothes this year because last year I was 8 1/2 months prego at Christmas and did not want one more thing that said large on the tag! I decided since I got HUGE and gave birth to my miracle Asher, my closest needed a makeover. Man did it get a makeover in a big way! Here are some of the gems I received from my amazing hubby, son, and family. Thanks everyone you are too good to me!

I ordered this amazing dress from ASOS for myself {from the hubs I mean} it is classy and sexy at the same time. It's a long pencil dress but is tight and has a super deep V

My parents got this super cute peacoat

Thanks mom for my ruffled black purse

I love this clutch that looks a little distressed

My houndstooth Toms from my sister. Thanks for working at Nordstrom Michelle!

My other present from my sister. Michael Kors arm warmers

I love how my fingers are still free to use my IPhone.....yeah I worry about that more then my hands being warm

Ta-Da!!!! My A-MA-ZING Christian Louboutins

Close up of the fierce toe, I love my two boys for getting these for me!

My Forever 21 giftcards from my secret Santa at work Lindsey and my amazing hubby

Elizabeth and James sunnies from Nordstrom the my generous man and baby got me

The hubs and I each got each other a Venti Starbucks cup!

I am obsessed with this amazing white fringe purse I found while shopping on Balboa Island that I forced my mom to buy me. If you want to read about that Cali trip go here

I got 4 books! I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Two are Love and Logic books that will help me be an awesome mommy, and Vegan recipe book, and Secrets of a Stylist!

How cute is this scissor necklace my mom got me? Perfect for work!!!

And my favorite gift from my parents, a leather waterfall jacket! It seriously feels like butter on my skin and has amazing suede detailing......thanks mommy and daddy!!!

Is it weird that almost everything I got is black? Nope, that's called true love! {with a color}

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