Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back On Track

We went to the cabin this weekend for the holiday and it was seriously amazing! We had so much fun and Jd's parents came too. It was their first trip to the cabin and I'm pretty sure they fell in love because Jd said he already talked to them about going back up when my parents are in Cabo in a few weeks. {boo we aren't going this year, I'm so sad} We played an insane amount of ping pong, hot tubbed like it was our job, ate WAY too much food, and yes, you can add drinks into that last category as well.

I love the way my little man lights up when he is outdoors and gets to ride on the quads but it takes a very bad tole on my diet. There is no way to be on a diet when you are up there. The cabin menu is normally made up of burgers, chips and dips, pasta, steak, ribs, garlic bread, popcorn, bacon, hash browns, desserts, and booze just to name a few. With that being said {and my booty wanting to strangle me} I am back on the diet band wagon today. It seems like an endless cycle of me dieting and then eating naughty for a weekend and messing up all my work. I'm hoping I can stay on track for awhile even though I know I wont because Chicago is a week from Saturday! Seriously counting down the days right now.

Any hoo, here is what I have planned for my meals for the week!

Tuesday: breakfast-egg whites, lunch-low fat chicken tortilla soup from Paradise Bakery, snack-turkey and cheese bagel thin I mentioned here, dinner-turkey burger with avocado {no bun!}

Wednesday: breakfast-egg whites with asparagus, lunch-white chicken chili {recipe to come soon}, snack-grapes and strawberries, dinner-grilled chicken with green bell pepper

Thursday: breakfast-egg whites, lunch-turkey and cheese bagel thin, snack-spinach and strawberry salad, dinner-grilled steak and edemame

Friday: breakfast-egg whites and asparagus, lunch-turkey and cheese bagel thin, snack-left over white chicken chili, dinner-turkey burger with avocado

Saturday: breakfast-egg whites, lunch-seared ahi tuna and miso soup {just the broth}, snack-fruit, dinner-cheat meal at Postinos {I only get one cheat meal a week not a whole day}

Sunday: breakfast-egg whites and asparagus, lunch-turkey and cheese bagel thin, snack-orange, dinner-pesto chicken for family dinner

I know my meal plan seems pretty boring.....that's because it is. I have found that if I keep it simple and eat pretty much the same things everyday then I stick to eating healthy. If I don't know what to eat that day and let my mind wonder then I start to get naughty and dream of cheese of carbs......always. I have to nip that stuff in the butt and only get egg whites, chicken, veggies, or fruit as my staples. On top of eating healthy this is my last week for the summer in my boot camp because the times will be changing during the summer and wont work with the little mans schedule. It makes me sad but I am just going to have to find the self control and discipline to make it to the gym no less then 3 days a week. I also really want to get back into yoga. It really calms me down and is less of a workout and just ME time where I can burn some calories and get centered.

On a side note, does anyone have good recipes or suggestions for a protein shake? I need to get some kind of protein powder that isn't high in calories and that tastes good {NOT CHOCOLATE, I hate chocolate} Thanks everyone!

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