Monday, May 28, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I am excited to announce that my little blog was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by a cute gem of a girl named Lindsay over at A Daily Dose of Lou! It is so flattering and I am very grateful that she thought of me when choosing the 5 blogs to give this award to.

Here's the 411. The Liebster Award is for blogs with less than 200 followers and is a fabulous way to get the word out about fun blogs that you think others will love too! Check out my top 5 pics that I am giving this award to and I know you won't be disappointed that you did :)

What to do once you receive the award:

  • Thank the amaze-balls person who nominated you
  • Link back to the blogger who nominated you to show them some love back
  • Copy and past the blog award on to your blog
  • Nominate and pass on the award on to 5 other bloggers with less then 200 followers
  • Let them know how flattered you are by posting on their blog!

1. Swirls Of Happy- This momma of two loves all things fashion, home, and food inspired
2. Have You Heard?- This adorable family will make you jelly and smile all at the same time
3. Oh Wells Instead Of What Ifs- Ashley is super inspirational
4. Pieces Of Peace- Fabulous fashion ideas
5. Little B's Healthy Habits- Amazing blog on getting fit and eating healthy!

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