Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I told you all that I would be posting pics of my craft day.......let's just say things didn't go quite as planned. I haven't done too many craft projects in my life so when I decided to try 5 at once I should have known things were going to go wrong. Me sharing my crafting journey with you has been put on hold for a few days until I can re-plan, execute, and document my new {tweaked} crafts! Let me just tell you this.....the ones that went smooth are amazing and wallet friendly! As soon as I'm done you all will be the first to know {and see}

Anywho, instead of projects, today I will be sharing with you a fabulous blog for all you interior design enthusiasts! Also, you must like/LOVE the color turquoise for this gem of a site.'s called House of Turquoise! It features any and all shades of this glorious color and great room ideas for all areas of your house. Check it out and throw a little turquoise into your home. Here are some of my favs right now! Enjoy and happy hump day!!!

This was MEANT to be my laundry room!

Perfection for fall :)

My kind of outdoor oasis

I just got some amazing turquoise plates from Z Gallerie and I will show you all soon!

Love the colors, love the patterns

If you ask my husband what plant I am OBSESSED with he will tell you, Twisting Junipers!!!

Comfy chic office

 In love with this nursery!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obsessing Over

So I have been on the hunt for new and fabulous make-up for awhile. I have taken advise from friends and family, tried a bunch out myself, and I have finally found some I am completely and utterly obsessed with. Where may you ask are these amazing new lovers from? Well there are two, my one and only MAC which I have loved since the day I tried it and the amazing Sephora. Take a peek into my make-up bag and feel free to try each and every one of these beauties!

NARS The Multiple in Orgasm, I use it as cream blush but you can use it for just about anything

I cannot live without this MAC brush now! I use it to apply my foundation and it gives you an amazing airbrushed look.....thanks Paige for turning me onto this gem

Make-Up Forever eyeliner in stays all day and doesn't smudge!

So Chaud Lipstick, I told you about my obsession with it here

NARS your skin that sun kissed glow :)

I hope these products help beautify your life, Happy Monday Dolls!

P.S. I am crafting today with my bestie and will posting amazing how-to's tomorrow.....stay tuned!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Look At ME!

Ok let's not sugar coat it, women love to look at themselves. I know I am not the only one so I'm going to be straight forward about it. I mean how else am I going to make sure my hair is perfectly coiffed, my lipstick isn't smudged, and my skirt isn't stuck in my underwear? Thank goodness the latter has not happened to me and I would really like to keep it that way. So being the careful {vein} person that I suppose I am, I love having mirrors around me all the time. If I could make my house look like the hair salon I work in I would do it in a red hot minute! Tons of mirrors in every shape, size, and color sounds like heaven to me. After seeing these photos I am definitely contemplating that I should dedicate an entire wall in my house to mirrors.......what do you think?

Seriously? Where the hell can I buy this and how fast can it be brought to my house?

I know this isn't a wall but aren't these the coolest stairs you have ever seen? It makes me want to dance all over them!

You know about my obsession with stripes.....enough said

Oh how they read my mind

Love, love, and more love

So eclectic and chic

Happy Sunday everyone and let me know which ones are your favs!
Pics via

Friday, September 23, 2011

Big Man on Campus

My little man is now 8 months old.....I seriously can't believe that the time has flown by so fast! He has four teeth fully grown in and two more that have popped through the gums and are growing fast just like him. Asher can crawl like a pro and thinks he can walk like a big boy {he falls on his booty a lot trying}. He has tons of buddies and two besties names Holly and Bailey, our family dogs. He is completely in love with them and thinks they are the greatest things in the world! We play inside, outside, and on all our sides from top to bottom :) We snuggle, we roll, we giggle, and we get our dance on. There is nothing this little guy isn't up for and let me tell you, I have never had more fun in my whole life! We smile all day everyday and I steal his kisses as often as possible. I am the luckiest mommy in the world and have yet to find a better baby then Mr. Asher James. Here are a few snaps of the day to day love I get to share with my little nugget!

Asher's 6 month birthday....Great grandma got him a cupcake doggie and Mommy got him a REAL Vegan cupcake!

Want to try?

Yum this is tasting ok

Maybe a little more then ok.....

Yup this stuff is for me! He LOVED it once he got used to the texture

The best baby in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!

No one can explain a mother's's something you can only feel

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outfit Today!

Good morning lovelies! I am starting my new "Outfit Today" segment. I will be documenting my daily fashion journey to share with all of you {ok not everyday, but I will be good about it.....promise}. I will also show you ways to use the same clothes in different outfits to get the most out of what's in your closet! So are you ready to get started? I we go!

Date: September 21, 2011
Event: I was going to a dinner with my family for my soon to be brother-in-law's birthday!

My "Outfit Today" consisted of two main clothing pieces and quite a few accessories.

Jeans: Forever21
Shoes: Suede wedges from you guessed it, Forever21
Clutch: Nine West
Bangles: Forever21
Watch: Dolce & Gabbana from Nordstrom
Belt: Forever21
Earrings: Forever21

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Light and Bright

As you all know I am a total Blackaholic, but lately I have found myself gravitating towards bright fun colors! They catch the eye and are fun fun fun. With our temperatures in AZ supposidly about to rise back up, I will be sporting lots of light fabrics that dare I say....cover as little as possible {tastefully of course, Im a MOM!} So as I was scanning over the fashion blogging world and as always my lover with whom I am having a very intense affair, Pinterest, I found these gorgeous gems that will certainly light up a room. Welcome to what I will be wearing until we finally start fall. Enjoy and happy hump day lovers!

Love the top, love the shorts, love the bangles, love it all

Screw the dress where do I get me a pair of those legs?

I have never seen a top like this.....NEED it, NOW

Always love me some Olivia

Pink and white, you can't go wrong

I mean why don't I have these shorts in my closet?

Love her and her bun

OMG so I just found this dress on LuLu's for $123 but they are sold out in blue....don't worry they still have it in green and grey!

Ok so this with the jacket isn't so light but I could wear a cute little tank instead

You are also in for a treat, tomorrow I will be starting a new segment called "Outfit Today!"
All pics are from Pinterest {as always}