

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Herb Garden

As I have found a new love of cooking, I also have a new love of fresh herbs. I can't even begin to describe to you the difference between dried and fresh can't even compare the two. Since it was getting super expensive to buy new herbs every time I wanted to whip up something mouth watering, I decided why not grow my own? The verdict.....PERFECTION!!! I love having them at my fingertips and the scent that fills my kitchen now is to die for! Everyday when I walk into my kitchen and smell the wonderful aromas, the cooking bug gets into my system. I can't wait to use my 5 different herbs in all my cooking and come up with new a fresh recipes to share with you all.

I bought these herb plants from Home Depot. Via instructions I soaked them in water before planting

I bought cute little pots and painted them with black chalkboard paint

I will have final pics up soon once I get my kitchen redone!!!!

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